Amalgam fillings, also known as silver fillings or mercury fillings, have been a dental mainstay for over 150 years. They were durable and effective at refilling cavities in human teeth. Made up of different metals, the fillings typically contain 50% mercury by weight, a heavy metal that has raised health concerns.

The amalgam fillings release mercury that is not only bad for your oral health but may be absorbed into your brain, kidneys, liver, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. Chewing, drinking hot liquids, and even brushing your teeth may slightly increase the mercury released into your body from the cracked amalgam fillings.
This blog post will explore the pros and cons of amalgam fillings removal and better choice for filling materials at ConfiDent Palm Dentist.
Should You Get Your Mercury Fillings Removed? The decision to remove amalgam fillings is an individual one & should be removed only if your experienced dentist has examined your situation and deemed it appropriate. If you’re showing no allergic reaction or chronic health issues or traceable mercury levels in your blood tests, the removal of amalgam fillings may expose yourself to more mercury for little to no reason.
If your fillings are intact and not causing any problems, the American Dental Association (ADA) considers them rather safe.
However, some people may choose to remove them due to concerns about mercury exposure, even if minimal or if the dentist found a clear reason (such as decay under the filling).
Who is at the most risk with mercury fillings?
Pregnant women, breastfeeding women and individuals with certain health conditions
Children under age of 15
Bruxers - people who grind teeth
People with MTHFR mutations
Older people who have had amalgam fillings for a long time
Those already regularly exposed to heavy metals (such as people who work with industrial mercury)
The European Union has banned the use of mercury fillings in children under 15, as well as pregnant or breastfeeding women. Several European countries are set to ban mercury fillings completely in the coming years.
The Removal Process
Removing amalgam fillings safely requires special precautions to minimize mercury vapor exposure. It's important to find a dentist experienced in safe amalgam removal techniques. The dentist will likely use a Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique, which involves:
Isolating the tooth with a rubber dam
Removing fillings in sections using high-volume suction.
Try eating these foods before and after getting fillings removed (they’re also great for detoxing from mercury exposure, even without removing your fillings):
High alkaline foods
Liver-supporting foods
Increasing your intake of Cilantro (ideally, 3 servings a day)
Choose mercury-free Dental Fillings
Several safe and effective alternatives to amalgam fillings are available, including:
Composite resins (tooth-colored fillings)
Ceramic fillings

Talk to Your Dentist
If you're considering mercury-filling removal, discuss it with a professional. Contact the team at ConfiDent Palm Dentist for your comprehensive assessment and to receive best course of action for your oral & overall health.
Remember, this blog post is for informational purposes only. Don't make any decisions about your dental care without consulting a professional.